Terry Swartzberg: speaking in the USA on Yom HaShoah 2024: responses and videos

Rabbi Lisa S. Greene, North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, Illinois

“Terry spoke at North Shore Congregation Israel with his characteristic passion for remembrance and setting up Stolpersteine, and moved our community with inspiration.  At Shabbat dinner his conversations moved dozens of people who did and did not know one another to share their families’ Shoah histories and talk for hours — oh so moving!”

Rabbi Alan Cook, Sinai Temple, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois

“Terry was the keynote for our annual communal commemoration of Yom HaShoah.  At a time when there is much despair in the American Jewish community about how Jewish are perceived and treated domestically and internationally, to hear Terry’s message of hope and joy was affirming and reassuring.  Terry’s commitment to commemoration and celebration of what Jewish life was like in Europe prior to the Shoah is inspirational and his enthusiasm for this work is contagious.  His talk was engaging, and captivated an audience of diverse ages and backgrounds.”


Placing Stolpersteine in Memory of Holocaust Victims

Terry Swartzberg spoke during services on the Shabbat preceding Yom HaShoah about his inspiring work to place Stolpersteine, or “stumbling stones,” in 1,800 cities in 31 European countries. Each of these 120,000 stones bears the name of a victim of the Shoah and information about that person.

Swartzberg, who lives in Germany is a leader in this movement and spoke about his work as we remember all those murdered in the Holocaust.

To book Terry for your commemorative and informative events: shalom@holocaustcommemoration.com

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